Two common joints that may deteriorate over time and require therapy, or even replacement, are the hips and knees. Pain in these joints affects the ability to bear weight, causes a lack of mobility and joint weakness. If you’re experiencing pain in these areas, it’s important to address it quickly to avoid further deterioration or determine if surgery is necessary.
Hip Bursitis: Hip bursitis is recognized by pain outside the hip and occurs when tight hip flexor muscles and weak gluteal muscles cause the bursa to rub against the hip bone. It is also known as Trochanteric Bursitis or ITB Friction Syndrome. Ultrasound therapy, ice, steroid injections and electrical stimulation are all common treatments for hip bursitis. Additionally, the underlying muscle needs treatment for full recovery. This can be achieved with manual therapy and exercise.
Piriformis Syndrome: Piriformis Syndrome is characterized by aching pain down the back of the leg, through the thigh and buttock. This is caused by a tightening of the piriformis muscle, streaming from poor strength in the glutes and abdominal muscles. Treating the underlying issues such as hip imbalance or lumbar spine issues with myofascial release therapy will provide relief.
Hip Joint Pain: Generally hip joint pain is felt in the front thigh or groin areas. Hip joint pain can be caused by arthritis, hip capsular tightness, labral tears and hip impingement syndrome. The main course of treatment for hip joint pain is physical therapy. Stretching and motion exercises are common in treatment plans. Sometimes, anti-inflammatory medication or steroids may be prescribed.
Meniscus injuries: Meniscus injuries in the knees can be degenerative and even traumatic. Degenerative meniscus injuries happen over time when the meniscus gradually thins. A small force can cause a worn-down meniscus to tear. Traumatic injuries to the meniscus can occur during a high-impact activity, such as a tackle, fall, sudden twisting and more. Patients often hear a “pop†during a meniscus injury. For larger tears, surgery may be necessary. For other injuries, physical therapy with mobilization techniques can restore strength and mobility.
Patella Femoral Syndrome: If you’re experiencing pain around or under the kneecap, it may be caused by patella femoral syndrome. Patients often report a grinding or popping sensation. This is caused by poor tracking of the kneecap over the femur. Manual therapy and corrective exercises are the course of corrective treatment. Additionally, taping the patella may be required to re-educate and properly align.
For most patients with persistent knee and hip pain, the response to physical therapy is quite positive. It generally takes 4-6 weeks for a movement or activity to be re-trained and become habitual. The talented team at Crafted Physical Therapy recognizes the limitations knee and hip pain can place on your life. Give us a call today at (720) 204-4567 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.